Surgical injuries occurring during kidney procurement

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Rare. In this retrospective study of renal procurement during a 15-yr period at one institution, macro­scopic surgical arterial injuries were observed in 2.3% (29 of 1254) of cases (26 polar artery transections and 3 hilar artery transsections).
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Alerting signals, symptoms, evidence of occurrence: 
Surgical injuries were more frequently observed during single-organ procurements, 8.2%, than during multiorgan procurements, 3.7% (P < .05). Similarly, injuries were more frequent during non­ heart-beating donor procurement: 9.3% vs 4.6% (P < .01), or when the surgeon had less training (<30 organ vs >30 procurements): 12% vs 3%, respectively (P < .01). Arterial lesions were more frequently observed during single organ procurements in procedures performed by a less experienced surgeon (<30 organ procurements), and under the more hurried conditions of non-heart­ beating donors.
Demonstration of imputability or root cause: 
Macro­scopic surgical arterial injuries.
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Suggest new keywords: 
organ procurement, kidney, damage, injury
Suggest references: 
Eschweiege, P., Droupy, S., Blanchet, P., Hammoudi, Y. et al. (2002). Surgical Injuries Occurring during Kidney Procurement performed by a renal Tranplantation Team. Transplantation Proceedings 34: 844
Expert comments for publication: 
The purpose of this study was to clarify the causes of renal injuries during organ procurement over the past 15 years at one institution. Renal surgery injuries occurring during organ procurement were seldom responsible for failure to transplant the organ. Most of the time surgical injuries can be repaired before trans­plantation. Training and super­vision of the surgeon performing the organ procurement is mandatory to increase the quality of the organ procurement and to decrease the number of irreversibly damaged organs.